Indie Picks
"If you’ve seen any horror film that deals with the world of the demonic versus reality, you know how this story goes."
"'Ex Machina' is an eerie, engrossing film that raises pertinent philosophical questions about consciousness and artificial intelligence. Masterfully crafted suspense quickens the pulse, but senseless plot twists and clichéd elements leave room for improvement."
"It Follows may not be your typical obnoxious, inept, and outlandishly thick smog polluting theaters. But make no mistake, it's extremely confused, tasteless, and—most troubling of all—irresponsibly preachy."
"Being relatable, in fact, was the film’s biggest flaw. It seemed that instead of pursuing characters in the interesting manner that they should be pursued, Bahrani only wanted to make them as normal as possible."
"A film you thought was about the differences between young and old becomes a massive argument about authenticity and the means to an end. Not only is it difficult to decipher what you’re supposed to care about, it’s hard to care at all."
"Even as I shook my head at the film’s visual and auditory mishmash, I found myself wholeheartedly enjoying Kumiko. Its technical randomness cannot undermine the strength of the story’s premise and its execution."
"All in all, the underlying message to take away from The Skeleton Twins is no matter how bleak things can get, there's always someone to pick you back up if you can't muster the strength yourself."
"'The Duke of Burgundy' is a film about a rift in a beautiful relationship. Longing and loss bleed through the intricate butterfly montages, soft sex scenes and real/gameplay dialogue. We observe in awe, stagnant in a realm of feeling rather than caring."
"The first entry into what will be Smith's experimentally haphazard True North Trilogy makes The Human Centipede look like the Citizen Kane of the mad scientist realm of schlock."
"In Foxcatcher, the sports and psychological drama genres come together to produce an intense, gripping story with characters whose inner workings never fail to transcend understanding."