Edited by Joss Taylor Olson
"Applying the term 'realism' would be a misstep as many story-worlds belie the tenets of what we understand as 'realistic'. 'Natural', too, is missing the mark, but hits much closer. The bulls-eye term is perhaps most succinctly coined 'physical'."
Keep It Like a Secret strikes a captivating balance between Built to Spill’s ambitious songwriting and approachability.
"The main story feels exactly like a Zelda story, amped up with a certain Michael Bay/Marvel zest that the stagnant mythos has needed for a long time."
"Vincent’s stark character portrayal mirrors Burton’s likeness to a tee, and in his direction, offers a special glimpse into the power of lifelong influences."
"Coffins on Io is a far cry from anything else Toby Driver has done, but in an even more monumental and towering way than most."
"If you haven't yet played Sonic 3 & Knuckles or are doubtful of the greatness of the Genesis as a console, it's an absolute must that you try it."
Sparks is an odd, messy collection of songs that don't always work, but Heap is still an impressively talented songwriter; tracks like “Me the Machine” are just as brilliant as her previous work, just a little looser—charmingly cluttered instead of impeccably clean.
The shot of realism is the only thing Like Crazy has going for it, but it’s not enough to make me like the film.
I enjoy the overall tone that is established so far, and definitely need to see a handful of episodes to decide if I like the show or not.
Tucker perpetuates clichés that hinder the potential of the novel, which is a shame because Ten Tiny Breaths could have been great.