
Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude

May 3, 2015 // 0 Comments

"If you are excited for 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' and looking to get caught up on the Marvel lore leading up to the events of the movie, look no further." [...]

The Man Without Fear #1-5

April 24, 2015 // 0 Comments

"The story of how Matt Murdoch becomes Daredevil is a thrilling one, full of action, romance, and a touch of solemn wonder. 'The Man Without Fear' is as synonymous with the character of Daredevil as it is with Frank Millers work." [...]

Louie – S05E01-02

April 24, 2015 // 0 Comments

"Louis C.K.'s excellent surreal sitcom is back, a diamond in the rough that is guaranteed to not rib your funny bones so much as shatter them." [...]

Marvel’s Original Secret Wars

April 23, 2015 // 0 Comments

"Despite a great release and some fun and genuinely epic moments, Secret Wars falls short of its ambition. Besides Doctor Doom and Galactus, the characters generally are simplified versions of themselves, the women insultingly so, and the story is bogged down by character arcs that only the solo titles get to follow up on. Its influence shouldn’t be denied, but crossovers have improved since this and here’s hoping Hickman can avoid this one’s missteps." [...]

Mortal Kombat X

April 20, 2015 // 0 Comments

"Just the other day I was thinking that there aren’t enough video games where you can punch a man in the groin and make his testicles explode on-screen before crushing his skull. Then, Mortal Kombat X was released." [...]

Daredevil – S01E01

April 14, 2015 // 0 Comments

"Daredevil is a show about consequences and it doesn’t shy away from blood and grit in a city damaged by war and run by the mob, standing above the rest of comic book TV to date." [...]
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