Articles by Rory Mellon

About Rory Mellon (21 Articles)
Rory is a writer, critic and radio host. Which basically means he has a lot of opinions on things and he’s going to share them with you no matter how wrong they may be. You can read more of his thoughts on film at:
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The Little Prince

June 14, 2016 // 0 Comments

"Though it plays its hand far too earlier and leaves very little in the tank for its second half, 'The Little Prince' is a charming watch." [...]


June 1, 2016 // 0 Comments

"Though 'Warcraft' grows into its own skin considerably as the climax approaches, the first two-thirds are so poorly structured that many will have given up by then." [...]

X-Men: Apocalypse

May 20, 2016 // 0 Comments

"With the recent resurgence of the superhero genre the bar has been considerably raised, subsequently the only thing that is exceptional about 'X-Men: Apocalypse' is how tedious it is." [...]

The Apartment

May 10, 2016 // 0 Comments

"Romantic comedies can often be a vapid and easily forgettable affair but the charming characters and remarkably insightful screenplay make 'The Apartment' a touching, funny, and surprisingly reflective experience." [...]

Special Correspondents

May 2, 2016 // 0 Comments

"'Special Correspondents' is less mean-spirited than much of the controversial Brit's body of work, but it’s no less lacking in the quality department." [...]

5 Summer Blockbusters That Might Suck

April 20, 2016 // 0 Comments

“Amongst all the superhero movies, animated features, and raunchy comedies that dominate the summer movie season, there’s always a few that fail to live up to expectations.” [...]

The Jungle Book

April 15, 2016 // 0 Comments

"While 'The Jungle Book' is unquestionably a grin inducing experience, it’s further proof that impeccable visuals aren’t enough to singlehandedly carry a movie." [...]

The Invitation

April 11, 2016 // 0 Comments

"While 'The Invitation' asks some interesting philosophical questions about depression and coping with loss, it’s lacking a suitable enough bite to be worthy of the lengthy buildup that dominates the film." [...]

Hardcore Henry

April 10, 2016 // 0 Comments

"The film may have achieved its aim of essentially being a video game that you watch instead of play but this ultimately hurts 'Hardcore Henry''s cinematic merits." [...]
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