Articles by JoeyChini
I love all things games, comics, TV and movies. That's a little broad, hmm... Mainly just games, comics, TV and movies.
"George, Andrew, Joey, Colin, and Pat offer their takes on the best and worst cinematic comic book adaptations."
Re:Views' Staff writers, George and Joey, praise their Top Hip-Hop picks of Q1, 2015.
"The story of how Matt Murdoch becomes Daredevil is a thrilling one, full of action, romance, and a touch of solemn wonder. 'The Man Without Fear' is as synonymous with the character of Daredevil as it is with Frank Millers work."
"Joey, Colin, Andrew, Joss, and myself have a roundtable discussion on the pros and cons of video game remakes, HD remasters, ports."
"Re:Views Staff take a fond look back at 2014 to share with you their top virtual experiences."
"The top-down-twin-stick shooter has found a home in Helldivers that competing developers are sure to shamelessly plagiarize in future games, the precision aiming is on point, the movement and physics are proportionally realistic to the sci-fi theme and overall playing Helldivers is a menacingly good time."
"The Order: 1886 is an unusual game, stomping on so many tropes video games currently perpetuate, and creating problems in their wake."
"For the second episode of the Re:Views Podcast, Joey Chini, Andrew Ferell, Eileen Li and I had a round-table discussion about the upcoming Academy Award"
Re:Views video game enthusiasts Pat, Joey, and George share a bit of round-table discussion about JRPG love.