Articles by Ikaika Shiveley

About Ikaika Shiveley (14 Articles)
Senior at University of Hawai'i. San Jose,Ca native that loves film, video games, outdoors and sports.
Contact: Website

E3 Moves Games a Step Closer to Hollywood

June 22, 2016 // 0 Comments

"With the growing success of the Superhero genre in film, it may be only a few short years that Hollywood studios shift their focus to the video game industry as their next market." [...]


May 24, 2016 // 0 Comments

"With all the failed spoof films of the last two decades, it’s hard to imagine a time when the genre was creating laughs instead of inducing cringe-worthy moments." [...]

4 Revived Franchises of 2015

January 2, 2016 // 0 Comments

"Here are four films that were not only sequels, but brought interest back into some of the greatest franchises ever." [...]

The Good Dinosaur

November 28, 2015 // 0 Comments

Pixar's second film of 2015 attempts to continue the momentum. [...]

Winter Blockbusters: Prepare with Netflix

September 21, 2015 // 0 Comments

"While going into a movie blind can be a great experience, sometimes moviegoers can miss the true impact of a film. In an effort to prepare for the Fall/Winter lineup at the cinemas, here are the five things you should watch on Netflix." [...]
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