
Review of: Suits

Reviewed by:
On May 25, 2015
Last modified:January 2, 2016


"Although this show could never be confused for one of the top shows on television, it is a great and entertaining program that makes you want to run out and get a job where you can afford expensive three-piece suits and bend people to your will."

If someone were to ask me what television show needed to be made, my first answer would not be a legal drama. If I wanted that, I would be watching reruns of any sort of Law and Order type show. Suits, however, is not your parent’s legal drama; its script focused on the drama that can go on at a prestigious law firm, instead of the individual cases that the firms is involved with. The characters in this story are more interesting and developed than other shows of its genre, thanks to leading men: Mike Ross and Harvey Spectre, played magnificently by Patrick J. Adams and Gabriel Macht, respectively.

Not only is Mike Ross a loveable and kind person, he is one of the brightest attorneys at his law firm  He is also a fraud because he actually never went to law school and never graduated after being kicked out of college. This duality of Ross being the hero, but also an impostor creates a deep emotional connection with the audience that is at times interesting and at other times over played, especially when it becomes a running theme throughout the show as to whether Mike will get caught. This theme becomes boring and over played for the most part, especially in earlier seasons, but as the viewer you understand why it is necessary and so you live with this very small flaw so you can enjoy the rest of the series.

Harvey is a sharp dressed alpha male and the type of person that every man dreams of whenever he puts on a suit. He is also a very successful attorney who will stop at nothing to win his cases and bring money into his firm.  His attitude and bravado can be at the detriment of the firm at times, but he seems to always figure out a way to win. Harvey’s success makes him the most admired character on the show, but also the most envied.

Harvey’s thirst to win makes him take the ultimate risk on Mike, who at that point has accomplished nothing except have what is called an eidetic memory,   can instantaneously recall anything he has ever read, seen, or heard. This gift allows him to perform as a top level attorney, giving Mike the prestige he has always wanted at the consequence of making  him a fraud to everyone around him.

The relationship between Mike and Harvey is excellent, and although they  both come from different upbringings, they both care deeply about their family and friends. This is highlighted every time they run into a moment of adversity with someone they love: they use every resource and every waking moment to make sure that nothing bad happens to their loved ones. These ideals bond the men together and is what makes the show work. Their witty banter, mixed in with pop culture references, always makes their dialogue a treat to listen to as well.

Overall, suits is great to watch because it has the dialogue, it has the character building, and it has the story that keeps viewers interested. Although this show could never be confused for one of the top shows on television, it is a great and entertaining program that makes me want to run out and get a job where I can afford expensive three-piece suits and bend people to my will. If you have not seen this show yet I would recommend watching it, especially if you enjoy stylish dramas that make you laugh while you plan to commit fraud.

About AJ Wales (8 Articles)
I was born in a crossfire hurricane. I am a traveler of both time and space. Is this real life? or is this just fantasy?
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